Loan Calculator
Apply for a loan with interest rates that suit you!
Maximum Loan Term :
This calculator is for illustrative purposes only, to give you, the borrower, an overview of the potential cost of borrowing. The Credit Union, or any of its staff, cannot be held responsible for any errors. Please note that this calculator only provides an indicative quote and actual repayments may vary.
Our Services
We offer a range of services to our valued members.
Our Loans
Providing loans to Members on competitive terms is one of the main purposes of a Credit Union.
MoreCurrent Account
A full-service current account that is separate from members' existing savings or loan accounts.
Tower Credit Union provides a life savings insurance FREE of charge to eligible members.
MoreOur Numbers
It is our ambition to achieve a growing membership in control of their finances, strengthening the financial well-being of our communities, by responsibly offering easy to access, low-cost credit to our members.