Why A Covered Loan With Us
Discover the advantage of a low-cost, flexible loan from Tower Credit Union
Competitive rates of interest
Flexible repayment terms
Free life insurance
No application fees
No early repayment charges
Easy to borrow as little as €500
Borow from your trusted credit union
Build your credit history with repayments

Loan Calculator
Try out our quick and easy loan calculator below
Maximum Loan Term :
This calculator is for illustrative purposes only, to give you, the borrower, an overview of the potential cost of borrowing. The Credit Union, or any of its staff, cannot be held responsible for any errors. Please note that this calculator only provides an indicative quote and actual repayments may vary.
Representative Example
Fair pricing from your local credit union!
Loan amount
Interest rate - APR
Loan term
5 years
Total interest
Montly repayment
Total cost of credit
Required Documentation
What you need to avail of our incredible offers.

Our lenders may request documentation in order to completely assess your application.
Ready to apply?
Providing loans to Members on competitive terms is one of the main purposes of a Credit Union. It is the way in which the pool of Members’ savings is used for the advantage of other Members who need access to funds. As the Members who borrow pay interest for the use of the money - everyone benefits.